Take a look at examples of our neural network sessions
Light section
Example of classes held by Dmitry Romanov
Session 1. "Introduction to neural networks"

The first lesson on neural networks is an introduction to the niche, the path of the developer in the field of machine learning, the mathematical model of a neuron, the principles of learning a neural network and learning the first neural network by the example of number recognition.
Code demonstration in Google Colaboratory
Download session notebook
Webinar homework assignment
Download webinar presentation
Session 2 "Fully connected networks, training and test samples"
The second topic, key to the training of neural networks, is training and test samples, the definition of the quality of training of the neural network. We will analyze the topic on the example of handwritten digit recognition.
Notebook (training and test samples)
Webinar home assignment
Download webinar presentation
Pro section
Example of a class held by Konstantin Slepov
Session 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The first session on neural networks is an introduction to the niche, a mathematical model of a neuron, the principles of training a neural network and learning the first neural network by example of number recognition.
Code Demonstration in Google Colaboratory
Notebook (MNIST handwritten digits recognition)
Webinar home assignment
Download instructional materials for the session
Examples of sessions held by Dmitry Romanov
Seesion 1. Introduction to neural networks
The first session on neural networks is an introduction to the niche, the path of the developer in the field of machine learning, the mathematical model of a neuron, the principles of learning a neural network and training the first neural network by the example of number recognition.
Code Demonstration in Google Colaboratory
Notebook (MNIST handwritten digits recognition)
Webinar home assignment
Download webinar presentation
Session 1. Fully connected networks. Training and test samples
The second topic, key to the training of neural networks, is training and test sampling, the definition of the quality of training of the neural network. Let's analyze the topic on the example of handwriting recognition.
Car base
Notebook (training and test samples)
Notebook (car price prediction on Youla)
Download webinar presentation
Webinar home assignment
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